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Shop Stourbridge!

Use this section to locate businesses, shops, cafes and restaurant in Stourbridge. Some feature a large photo of the inside ofthe shop, find out where it is in the town, and what products or services it offers. This should help all shoppers but will be of value to the disabled and elderly in particular, enabling a visit to be planned and look at shops you previously never considered. We want existing retailers to prosper as well as attract new quality businesses to the town, but that can only happen if you and I, the consumer, support them. Stourbridge is an affluent area, it's crazy that people have to go elsewhere to buy what they want. It's a chicken and egg situation, the spending power is in the area but a large proportion of it is going elsewhere. Stourbridge.com hopes that can change and that quality retailers will see this as a new era for Stourbridge.
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Stourbridge town centre car parking

Stourbridge town
centre car parking

Take a break!

Stourbridge High Street

Lower High Street

Market Street

Coventry Street

Victoria Passage

Ryemarket Centre

Crown Centre

Hagley Road/Church Street

HTML versions

Retail premises to rent

Shops by category

Welcome | About Stourbridge | Glass | Town Tours | Can you Help? | Shopping | What's on
Stourbridge Lion | Music | Sport | Long Lost Friends | Clubs and Charities | Pubs | Schools and Colleges
Genealogy | Stourbridge Area | Business | Links | Lots more stuff | Contact | Homepage